2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修三教学设计(江苏省专用)《Unit 3 Back to the past 1》
2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修三教学设计(江苏省专用)《Unit 3  Back to the past 1》第1页

I. 词语辨析

1、destroy / damage / ruin:均可以解释为:破坏、毁灭、消灭


e.g. The eruption of the volcano destroyed the whole town in only two days.

That rumour destroyed his good fame.


e.g. His car was damaged in the accident.

The machine was damaged yesterday and now it is being repaired.


e.g. The heavy rain ruined our holidays.

Heavy smoking ruined his health.

2、wealth / wealthy


e.g. a man of wealth,

He gained his wealth by doing business with foreign companies.

a wealth of:丰富的、大量的

e.g. The book has a wealth of beautiful pictures in it.

She has a wealth of knowledge about plants.


e.g. He is a wealthy businessman and earns a lot of money every year.

be wealthy in...:富有......= be rich in

e.g. Iraq is a country that is wealthy in oil.

Canada is wealthy in forest and water resources.

类似的此有:health / healthy,

3、huge / large / enormous:均可解释为:大、巨大,均可修饰具体的、抽象的事物


e.g. A huge balloon is flying slowly in the sky.

I hope the huge problem will be solved as soon as possible.

The huge building stands on the other side of the river.

large:(比通常稍)大的,= big,是较一般的用语,用于修饰事物。

e.g. The beautiful girl has large eyes and a smart mouth.

A large bed lies in the middle of the room.


e.g. His study is so enormous that I can hardly believe my eyes.

Dinosaurs are animals with enormous bodies.

4、wise / clever


e.g. a wise man, a wise decision,