高一英语必修二 Unit 2 The Olympic Games 同步导学(新人教)
高一英语必修二 Unit 2 The Olympic Games 同步导学(新人教)第1页

  高一英语必修二Unit 2 The Olympic Games 同步导学

  课 标 要 求

单元话题   Ancient and modern Olympic Games; physical education 重点单词   n. competitor, volunteer, basis, athlete, slave, stadium, responsibility, motto, poster, glory. pain,

  v. compete, admit, replace, host, charge, fine, advertise, bargain, deserve,

  adj. ancient, magical, swift, physical, hopeless, foolish,

  adv .nowadays, 重点短语   1. take part ______ 参加;参与

  2. stand ______代表;象征;表示

  3. as ______ 也;又;还

  4.be _____charge 负责;主管

  5. one _____ another 陆续地;一个接一个地   6. play a role ____ 在......起作用

  7. take the place _____ 代替

  8. ____a regular basis 定期地;经常地

  9. _____four years每四年

  10._____ a matter of fact事实上 重要句型   1. I lived in ______ you call "Ancient Greece" and I used to write about the Olympic Games a long time ago.


  2. No other country could join in, _____ _____ slaves or women.


  3. That's _____they're called the Winter Olympics.


  4.Women are_____ _____allowed, ______ play a very important role in gymnastics....


  5 There's _____ ______competition among countries to host the Olympics _____ to win an Olympic medal.
