高一英语必修2 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection学案导学(新人教)
高一英语必修2 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection学案导学(新人教)第1页

高一英语必修2 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection学案导学


  How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife

  Step 1 lead-in

  Step 2 Skiming Read the whole text quickly and find out the main idea of it.

  A.It's about wildlife protection.

  B.It's about a jouney of a flying carpet.

  D.It's a fairy story. w.w.w.302edu.c.o.m

  Step2 Scan the passage and try to fill in the table below about Daisy's journey.

     Animals she met   Places she went   First visit         Second visit         Third visit         Step3. Deep comprehension

  1) Read para 1 carefully and find out a sentencesto match the picture:



   Para2. Para1.

  2) Read the second paragraph carefully .Find out a sentencesto match the picture and make a role play:

  Make up a dialogue between Daisy and the elephant.

  D: Nice to see you, I'm Daisy from... Can I ask you any questions?

  E: Of course, you can.

  D: Are you living a happy life?

E:Yes. Now... , but in the past...