2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修三教案:《Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia》教案period 5
2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修三教案:《Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia》教案period 5第1页

Period 5 Cultural corner and Speaking 2

课题 Period 5 Cultural corner

课型 New


目标 1. To introduce the environmental protection in some European countries;

2. To enable Ss to talk about environmental protection;

3. To develop Ss' sense of environmental protection. 重点 1. Learn and master the main idea of Cultural corner.

2. Learn some language points in the Cultural corner.. 难点 Learn and master the main idea of Cultural corner. 学情分析 The Ss can finish the task. 教具课件 1. A recorder 2. A projector 3. A computer 教法 1. Revision to help the students consolidate the language points of this unit.

2. Fast reading and careful reading to help the students understand the passage exactly. 教学程序 教学内容(引入、例题、练习题、检测题等) 师生

活动 时间分配 Step 1

Step 2

Step 1. Revision

  Check the answers to the Grammar exercises in the Workbook.

Step 2. Cultural Corner

1. Leading-in

Ask Ss to look at the picture on page 39 and answer the questions.

(1) What is the child doing?

(2) Why is he doing so?

2. While-reading

Ask Ss to read the passage and discuss the following questions in pairs.

(1) Which countries in Europe work hard to improve the environment?

(2) How do the countries in Europe try to improve the environment?

(3) What does the "Green" movement try to do?

(4) How does it work?

Suggested Answers:

(1) In Europe, Germany and northern European countries work hard to improve the environment.

(2) They recycle everything, do differential collection of rubbish and have green movement.

(3) The "Green" movement tries to get governments to think seriously about the environment and how to look after it.

(4) It collects information about how industry is damaging the environment and gives this information to newspapers.

3. Post-reading

Ask Ss to work in groups and discuss the following questions.

(1) Are there any organizations in China whose aim is to protect the environment?

(2) What do you know about these organizations?

Step 3. Speaking

1. Present the following pictures and let Ss say what are bad for the environment. If necessary, offer the following words: damage, give out, environment, carbon dioxide, chemicals, pollute, white pollution, dig out, desertification.

2. Ask Ss to discuss the causes of environmental pollution and make a list. Then collect the information.

For your reference:

(1) Serious air and water pollution.

(2) Cutting down too many trees.

(3) Desertification.

(4) The growing population of the world.

(5) Climate changes.

(6) Waste in the use of water.

(7) High temperature and little rain.

(8) Gas from the running cars.

(9) Plastics in the rubbish.

3. Ask Ss to do discussion:

(1) Ask Ss to work in pairs and think of several things we need to do to improve the environment and say why.

(2) Ask each pair to compare the solutions with another pair. Then work in groups and choose two solutions that they are the most important.

 (3) Choose a group number to tell the class why these are the two most important solutions.

For your reference:

① Control water and air pollution.

② Build green fences along the desert.

③ Reduce the number of the population.

④ Produce new types of cars.

⑤ Plant more trees.

⑥ Reduce the number of the cattle to protect the grass land.

⑦ Prevent people using plastics bags as containers.

4. As senior high students, what should we do to improve our environment in our daily life?


Step 4. Homework

Ask Ss to find out more measures our city takes to protect the environment after class.

Read & learn

Read & learn


