2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修三教案:Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia Period 3
2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修三教案:Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia Period 3第1页

  Period 3 Grammar 1; Grammar 2; Pronunciation and Function



  本节是语法课, 针对的是汉语中没有的语法现象: 不定式和but+不定式。教师可以先让学生通过例句总结出不定式的形式和用法。分组讨论分析的方法可以使学生在课堂上积极参与而不是被动的记忆一些语法条目。同时应该在学生了解何为不定式之后设计一些对应的练习来加深印象并记住用法。语音和功能部分与语法部分相关, 放在本节处理, 便于学生类比记忆。


  1. 知识与技能

  1)Make students learn to sum up grammatical rules by themselves.

  2)Make sure students master the grammatical items.

  3)Express strong feelings through special sentence patterns.

  2. 过程与方法

  1)Motivate students' enthusiasm in taking part in the class.

  2)Try to think in a negative way when express feelings with negative sentences.

  3. 情感与价值

  Through the study of this period students will surely know more about different types of infinitive.


  1. Encourage students to sum up grammatical rules.

  2. Encourage students to think in the English way.


  1. The definitions of different forms of infinitive and how to use them.

  2. How to think in the English way.


  1. Individual work and pair work to make every student work in class.

  2. Deduction.

  3. Practice.


  → Step 1 Revision

  Revise what we have learned last class. Do some multiple choice questions about the passage learnt.

  (Show the following on the screen. )

  1. What is the best description about a sandstorm according to the passage?

  A. It is a major disaster for many Asian countries for centuries.

  B. It is a strong wind carrying sand.

  C. It is a way to cause land to become desert.

  D. It is a kind of natural disaster that can't be treated.

  2. What is the main reason for the increase of sandstorm in China recently?

  A. To be close to many deserts.

  B. The worsening of the weather in China.

  C. It is a result of desertification.

D. People cutting down trees and digging up grass.