【晋升之路】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修5优化学案:Module 3 (2)
【晋升之路】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修5优化学案:Module 3 (2)第1页

Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema

Teaching aim: Deal with language points

1. Suddenly, by the light of the lightening, we saw something in the middle of the river. 借着闪电的光亮,我们看到河中央有东西。

by +n./ doing表示"通过某种行为或手段而达到某一目的"。一般在句中作状语。

He found his way by the light of the moon.他借助月光找到了路。

He made a living by writing. 他靠写作为生。

He has improved his English _____ practicing speaking to any foreigner he met.


2.To our astonishment, there was a light in one of the cabins.


to one's astonishment = to the astonishment of sb 令人大为吃惊的是

To his astonishment, the keys were in the door. 令他惊讶的是,钥匙在门上。


astonish v 使惊讶,使吃惊 astonished adj. 感到惊讶的,吃惊的astonishing adj. 令人惊讶的, 吃惊的astonishment n. 惊讶, 吃惊

There were an astonishing number of applicants for the job. 申请这份工作的人数多得惊人

We were astonished at the news of her sudden death. 她突然去世的消息使我们震惊。

His words astonished all. 他的话使大家感到惊讶。

It was an astonishing story. 这故事令人惊讶不已。

The earthquake astonished me. 地震使我惊慌失措。

She was astonished to hear what had happened. 她听到了所发生的事感到惊讶。


(1) I was ________________(对... 感到吃惊)the news. (astonished at)

(2) _______________(令我吃惊的是), he was so easy to believe others. (To my astonishment)

3. The short man suggests leaving the man on the floor.那个矮个子男人建议把那个人留在地板上。

leave vt. 离开(某处)[(+for)];离开(某人)的身边;遗弃,离弃;辞去(工作等);脱离(组织等);遗忘;丢下;留给;把...交给;委托[(+with/to)][+v-ing];死后留下(家人等); 剩下