2019-2020学年外研版高中英语选修8创新教案:Module 1 Section 2
2019-2020学年外研版高中英语选修8创新教案:Module 1 Section 2第1页






  1. The stone rolled down the mountain by gravity (重力).

  2. The two continents were connected by a mass (块) of land at one time.

  3. The_rainfall (降水量) averages 36 inches a year.

  4. The radioactive (放射性的) waste should be buried deeply under the ground in sealed box.

  5. When you left our space, you weren't in a fit state (状态).

  6. They signed a treaty (条约) to settle all the border disputes.

  7. Rivalry (竞争) with other schools is encouraged.


  1. explorer n. 探险者→explore v. 探险;勘探→exploration n. 探险;勘探

  2. annual adj.每年的→annually adv.一年一度地

  3. depth n. 深度→deep adj.& adv.深的;深深地→deeply adv.强烈地;深刻地→deepen v. 加深;深化

  4. inhospitable adj.荒凉的,不适宜居住的;不好客的→hospitable adj.好客的→hospitality n. 好客;殷勤招待

  5. extreme adj. & n. 极端(的),极度(的)→extremely adv.极端地,极其;非常

  6. balance v. 使平衡→balanced adj.平衡的

  7. commercial adj.商业的→commerce n. [U]商业,贸易,交易

  8. promote vt.促进,增进→promotion n. 晋级; 增进


词根 词形变化 构词点拨 hospitable inhospitable in­加形容词构成具有否定意义的形容词 promote promotion 动词去e加­(t)ion构成名词 commerce commercial 去e加­ial构成形容词