【名师指导】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修7教案:《Unit 1 Living with technology》project 2教案
【名师指导】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修7教案:《Unit 1 Living with technology》project 2教案第1页

时间 课题 M7 Unit1 Project (2) 授课时数 2 【教学目标】:

1. To understand the passage further.

2. To master the meanings and usages of some key words and phrases.. 【教学重点】:vote on, rid...of, no matter+wh-

【教学方法】:合作探究法, 语境猜测法 教学过程 一备 Part1. Remember the following important phrases.

1. 一个基督教团体

2. 在某方面投票

3. 重视面对面交往

4. 反对有电话

5. 对......方便

6. 有合理的观点

7. 通过电话线

8. 无论什么情况

9. 那么重要

10. 专心致志于

11. 打断谈话

12. 因为某些原因

13. 专注于

14. 短消息


16. 使......摆脱

Part2. Enjoy the following sentences, fill in each blank with a proper word, and then translate them into Chinese orally.

In the USA, the Amish-________ ________ ________(一个基督教团体) -are famous because they drive carriages ________ _________ cars, do not use TVs or refrigerators, and do not have ________ _________(私人电话).

________ _________(实际上),________ (无论何时) a new technology is ________ (被引进), the Amish meet and discuss its ________ ________ _________(优点和缺点).

________ (由于)the Amish ________ ________ ________ _________ ________ _________(重视面对面的交流), they _______ ________ _________(反对拥有电话) in their houses.

Then, when you ________ ________ _________(专注于) a book or simply trying to rest, the phone ________ _________ ________ _________ _________(似乎总是响个不停), ________ _________ peace you might have(打破了你本来可以享有的一切安宁).

Maybe we should throw all of our phones into the dustbin, ________ ________ (连同)our cars and TVs ________ _________ _________(额外地).

Maybe we should ________ ourselves ________ (摆脱)modern technology and return to simpler times.

Part3. Important and difficult language points.

1. 【原句回放】They then vote on whether they will accept it. The Amish reject cars because......(lines 11-13, page 14)

【知识点】vote on vote for/ against

We will listen to the arguments on both sides and then vote on it.

Most of the members vote for the Act.

【知识点】reject v. 拒绝考虑;不接受;不同意

reject a proposal/ a request/an offer/argument

The British government is expected to reject the idea of state subsidy for a new high speed railway.

rejection n.

The rejection of such suggestion indicates that voters are unconcerned about the environment

2.【原句回放】 Since the Amish value seeing each other face to face, they oppose having telephones in their houses. (lines 21-23, page 14) 由于阿曼门罗教徒重视彼此面对面地交往,他们反对在住宅里装电话。

句中since引导___________ 从句。 face to face作__________(成份)。

【知识点】研读下列例句, 说出value的意思和词性。

(1)When we were young, parents taught us to become the people who are of value to society.

(2) The market value of this car has declined.

(3) The old machine was valued at 1,000 yuan.

(4) We should value the every minute in Baoying High School.

归纳:value 词性___________ 译为____________; 词性__________ 译为__________.

【知识点】研读下列例句, 说出oppose 的意思和词性。

(1) Many people opposed (the idea of ) building a new highway because of the great cost.

(2) We are firmly opposed to the practice of power politics between nations.

归纳:oppose常用结构: _______________ _______________

3. 【原句回放】 For example, no matter what the circumstances, when the phone rings, everything stops so that the call can be answered. (lines 46-49, page 14) 例如, 无论在什么情况下,当电话铃声响起时,为了能接电话,一切都要停下来。

句中的no matter what可换成________, 引导________从句;so that 引导________ 从句。

【知识点】circumstance 意思是:________________, 常用复数形式。


(1) I wanted to leave quickly but __________(在这种情况下) I decided to stay another night.

(2) Under no circumstances _________betray our friends for personal benefit.

A did we B we should C should we D we could

4. 【原句回放】Maybe we should rid ourselves of modern technology and return to simpler times. (lines 110-113)也许我们应使我们自己摆脱现代技术,回到更为简单的时代。

【知识点】 rid 过去式________ 过去分词_________ 现在分词___________

We want to help rid the team of this pressure.

As a student, I should rid myself of bad habits.

He can't get rid of the cold.

归纳: rid常用结构: ______________ ______________

(1)We should try to ___________________________________(使社会摆脱不公平).

(2) He was finally able to _________________________(摆脱)all financial worries.

答案: Part1:

1.a Christian group 2.vote on

3.value seeing each other face to face 4. oppose having telephones

5.be convenient for 6. have a valid point

7.over a telephone wire 8. no matter what the circumstances

9. that important 10. be absorbed in

11. interrupt the conversation 12. for some reason

13. focus on 14. text message

15 .for good measure 16. rid ... of...


1. 预计英国政府不会考虑为修建一条新的高速铁路提供国家补贴的设想

2. 句中since引导_原因状语从句_ 从句。 face to face作__状语(成份)

value 词性___名词_____ 译为___价值___; 词性动词_ 译为_估价;重视

oppose (doing)sth ; b opposed to (doing) sth

3. 【知识点】circumstance 意思是:_情况,情形__, 常用复数形式。


(1) I wanted to leave quickly but _under the circumstances__(在这种情况下) I decided to stay another night.

(2) Under no circumstances _________betray our friends for personal benefit.

A did we B we should C should we D we could

4. 【知识点】 rid 过去式__rid______ 过去分词_____rid____ 现在分词___ridding__

研读下列例句, 体会rid 的用法

We want to help rid the team of this pressure.

As a student, I should rid myself of bad habits.

He can't get rid of the cold.

【归纳】rid常用结构: rid sth / oneself of; be /get rid of ___

小试牛刀!(1)We should try to _rid the society of inequality使社会摆脱不公平).

(2) He was finally able to get rid of(摆脱)all financial worries.
