

一、 阅读理解



Visitors still stop at the old house in Scituate, Massachusetts. But the house is not what brings them there. What they want to see is the old stone well beside it-and the iron-bound water bucket that's put on its edge.

Two hundred years ago, this farmhouse was the home of Samuel Woodworth. During the long summers of his childhood, young Samuel would often pause at the well. It was a welcome break, especially on a hot afternoon. On such a day he would eagerly draw a bucketful of cold water and satisfy his thirst with a refreshing drink.

When he was fourteen, Woodworth left Scituate for New York City, where he started his own newspaper. Later he worked as an editor at other newspapers and magazines while writing novels, plays, and poetry in his spare time. His life was busy, and he rarely had time to visit the family farm.

But Woodworth never stopped thinking of his Scituate home. After work one evening, Woodworth poured himself a glass of city water. After that, he remarked to his wife, Lydia, how wonderful it would be to have a long, cool drink from the oaken bucket at his father's well. Lydia had a suggestion: Why not put it to poetry?

It was a suggestion Woodworth could not resist. That night he wrote The Bucket. In it he captured the world of his childhood on a hot summer day and the simple joy of stopping for a drink at his father's well.

His poem was an instant success. It seemed to touch everyone who had ever been homesick. At the height of its popularity, The Old Oaken Bucket (as it came to be called) was translated into four languages, and the words were set to a popular tune of the time. Over the years, countless people have read or sung Woodworth's ode to his boyhood. Today it is the official song of Scituate, Massachusetts.