外研版 > 三年级上 小学三年级第六模块第二单元
外研版 > 三年级上 小学三年级第六模块第二单元第1页

     课 题:module 6unit 2 How old are you! 学 科 English 年 级 教

标 知 识

与能力 Key vocabulary:happy ,birthday,here,present,this,pencil

Key structures: Happy birthday! Here's ... 过 程

与方法 Reading method

Writing method 情感态度与价值 观 To be interested in learning English

Like to be friendly with others 教学重点 Words: how many,eleven,twelve

Sentence : Happy birthday! Here's... 教学难点 Talking about age 教学手段 Cards ppt whiteboard 导 学 方 案 教材处理 Activity one

listen and draw candles on

the cakes.

Revise numbers.

Assign each student a number

from 1 to 12 . Then call

out the numbers randomly and

students shoud stand up and

then sit down.

Activity Two

Tell the Ss that you are going to call out two names.

The two Ss stand up .Student A asks " how old are you?"and Student B reponds


Activity Three

Have the class look at the

pictues and describe what's happening in Chinese.

Activity Four

Put a group of objects on

your desk.Then give them

to different students.

They have to say "here's
