2019学年度外研版选修八Module6Tang poems Section ⅡLanguage points阅读学案设计(5页word版含有答案解析)
2019学年度外研版选修八Module6Tang poems Section ⅡLanguage points阅读学案设计(5页word版含有答案解析)第1页

2019学年度外研版选修八Module6Tang poems Section ⅡLanguage points阅读学案设计


  1.At this _altitude (海拔), you often get strong winds.

  2.He had a job with an Edinburgh wine merchant (商人).

  3.He is a failure (失败者) as an artist, but a success as an art teacher.

  4.We shouldn't overlook the mental (精神的) health of young people.

  5.I met an old friend from whom I had parted (分别) for many years.

  6.She's an old_acquaintance (acquaint) of my grandma.

  7.Some of us are not accustomed to the rapid expansion (expand) of the software.

  8.Tears ran down her cheeks as she told us about her sufferings (suffer).

  9.Irregular_ (regular) meals can make you suffer from stomachache.

  10.In Greek mythology, Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection (reflect) in a pool of water.


hand in hand, reflect on, share with, take hold of, as well as, become interested in, suffer from, think of ...as, as far as, at the same time   1.Ignorance and poverty often go hand_in_hand.

  2.His mother quickly stepped forward to_take_hold_of_ his hand when he wanted to run away.

  3.Fields of corn spread out as_far_as the eye can see.

  4.More and more students become_interested_in English.

  5.A wide street allows many people to walk at_the_same_time.

  6.You should set aside some time to reflect_on your successes and failures.

  7.We all think_of_her as a responsible teacher.

  8.The teacher as_well_as the students is playing football on the playground.

  9.Towards the end of his life he suffered_from sleeplessness and ill health.

  10.Honesty is a characteristic he shares_with his mother. That is, he is as honest as his mother.



  Rita_shared_her_money_out_among her six granddaughters.


  He has_some_acquaintance_with French.


  We should be_tolerant_of/towards others and strict with ourselves.


  If_given_another_chance,_I will do it much better.


  It_is_believed_that the place will become a paradise if all people live in peace.



There were many famous poets from different periods of time in Chinese history,