2019学年度外研版选修八Module6 Tang poems Section ⅤWriting阅读学案设计(20页含有答案解析)
2019学年度外研版选修八Module6 Tang poems Section ⅤWriting阅读学案设计(20页含有答案解析)第1页

  2019学年度外研版选修八Module6 Tang poems Section ⅤWriting学案设计









  1.Written by ..., the great poet of the Tang Dynasty, the poem ... vividly describes ...

  2.While reading the poem, you can't help thinking of ...and ...which are ...

  3.The poem mainly reveals the real life of the people living ...

  4.Even though it is considered ... by most people, the poem in fact expresses ...

  5.The popularity of the poem is still ... even though we have experienced great changes in ...

  6.As one of the most valuable poems in ..., the poem reminds people of ...

  7.People can think of the experience of their real life when they read the poem.

  8.We'll have a strong sense of ...when we read the poem because ...

  9.It is generally accepted that the poem represents the conditions of ... at that time.

  10.I think the poem will still influence people who ...because ...




  Time Is Money

  Listen, his steps are light.

  Tick­tock, tick­tock,

  Listen, his words are light.

  Tick­tock, tick­tock,

  The Old Man of Time is running.

  He tells us to catch up with him.

  Oh, time is money.

  Don't waste your valuable time.

  Tick­tock, tick­tock, tick­tock.

