【成才之路】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修1教案第4课时:M 2 My New Teacher
【成才之路】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修1教案第4课时:M 2 My New Teacher第1页

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language 目标语言

a. 重点词汇和短语

favorite, energetic, amusing, funny, intelligent, kind, lively, nervous, organized, patient, popular, serious, shy, strict, discipline, stupid

b. 重点句式 (P18)

Surprisingly, all the students got good marks.

I'm doing maths, chemistry, physics and biology.

It's sometimes difficult for me to understand him, but I do my best.

It was a difficult problem, I agree.

2. Ability goals 能力目标

Enable the students to punctuate correctly.

3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

Help the students to learn how to express clear ideas with proper punctuation marks.

Teaching important points 教学重点

Enable the students to know where to use commas, full stops, capital letters and question marks.

How to make proper use of commas in paragraphs.

Teaching methods 教学方法

Individual work and discussion.

Teaching aids 教具准备

A blackboard, a projector and some slides.

Step Ⅰ Greetings and Revision