2019学年度外研版选修七Module 5 Ethnic Culture Period 1 Introduction教案设计(2页word版)
2019学年度外研版选修七Module 5  Ethnic Culture Period 1  Introduction教案设计(2页word版)第1页

2019学年度外研版选修七Module 5 Ethnic Culture Period 1 Introduction教案设计


话题介绍 本模块主题是"少数民族文化"。

Period 1 Introduction 云南各民族丰富多彩的风俗民情,是一个活的历史博物馆。每一个民族的衣、食、住、行及婚恋、礼仪、语言文字、禁忌、审美,莫不结撰为个性鲜明的文化链;纳西族的东巴文化、大理的白族文化、傣族的贝页文化、彝族的贝玛文化...,泼水节、刀杆节、插花节、火把节、木鼓节、三月节...本单元主要介绍了云南省的丽江古城、纳西族和白族的文化。

Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary(1) Reading 中的Simon Walefield's Yunnan Diary, 选取了几则英文日记,通过外国人的所见所闻,介绍了漓江古城和纳西族的风情文化。在阅读的过程中,能正确理解阅读文章;能正确理解并运用过去分词做状语;在阅读中根据文字表面意思对其深层含义做出正确合理的推断。

Period3 Grammar(1) Grammar v-ed form as adverbial 主要是探讨非谓语动词的用法,过去分词做状语。非谓语动词是高中英语教学的一个难点。

Period 4 Grammar(2) 课本63页的语法项目主要是讨论了几个重要的短语的用法。

Period 5 Reading and Vocabulary (2) The Bai Ethnic Group是一篇说明文,向我们介绍了白族的风俗文化。在阅读的过程中应该有意识的比较白族和前面的纳西族的异同。

Period 6 Reading Practice No Problem 讲述了作者的一次特别的经历,词汇量较大,在阅读中应注意体会结合上下文正确推断单词的意思。

Period 7 Cultural Corner 在这一节中我们了解两种不同的文化,在阅读的过程中比较它们的相同点。正确客观地了解不同民族的文化风俗,增强不同民族之间的团结互助、共同发展意识。

Period 1 Introduction


 To learn something about the Yunnan Province

 To master the new words in the introduction

 To practise talking about ethnic culture


Step 1: Warming up by a discussion

In this module, we will talk about ethnic culture. As we all know, there are so many minorities, for example, the province of Yunnan is one home to many ethnic minorities. How much do you know about Yunnan Province?

"Yunnan" this word refers to "the South of Clouds", it sounds beautiful and it is really a beautiful place. Let me tell you something about this wonderful land.

Yunnan, located in the Southwest China, has a vast territory, magnificent mountains and rivers, and abundant natural resources. With an area of 390,000 square kilometers, Yunnan is the eighth largest province in China. It is an inland province, with Guizhou Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in the east, Tibet Autonomous Region in the northwest, and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the southwest. Outside China, Yunnan borders on Burma in the west; Vietnam and Laos in the south. With a long borderline, is the main passageway connecting China with the Southeast Asian nations.

In Yunnan, there are more than 6000 rivers which belong to 6 river-systems and 37 lakes with an area of over 1 square kilometer can be seen here, boasting a large number of plateau lakes. For