Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious教学设计教案14
Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious教学设计教案14第1页

Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!

   The Second Period

  Section A 3a


1. 知识与技能

a. Master the key words

   Folk , goddess, steal, lay, lay out, dessert, garden, admire, tradition

b. Learn something about Mid-Autumn Festival.

c. Improve students' reading and comprehension skills.

2. 过程与方法

a. Learn by reading a passage about Mid-Autumn Festival.

b. Autonomous and cooperative approach.

3. 情感、态度与价值观

   Lead students to learn about Chinese culture and treasure the time with family members..

4. 法制渗透


  第二条 全体公民放假的节日


  ㈠ 新年,放假1天(1月1日)

  ㈡ 春节,放假3天(农历正月初一、初二、初三)

 ㈢ 清明节,放假1天(农历清明当日)