2019学年度人教版选修七Unit5Traveling abroadPeriod1Reading阅读学案设计(6页word版)
2019学年度人教版选修七Unit5Traveling abroadPeriod1Reading阅读学案设计(6页word版)第1页

2019学年度人教版选修七Unit5Traveling abroad Period1Reading阅读学案设计


Homeless animals have the right to be safe and loved. I've had two__1__adoptions (收养) so far and I want to__2__my story with you in hopes that it will encourage somebody else to realize what wonderful dogs you can find in a __3__.

Several years ago my husband and I__4__a beautiful six­year­old German dog in a shelter and we __5__fell in love with him. When we visited him,he was so __6__to see us and greeted me with a kiss on my hand and knee. He was very naughty and needed to learn some general __7__.But with patience and good training,it didn't take long for him to __8__a gentleman. He was a wonderful dog that will __9__have a place in my heart.__10__,he died from bone cancer. It broke my heart to__11__him and I miss him very much...__12__,when one door closes another door opens.

We__13__our home and hearts to another German dog from the shelter just about a month ago,who is shy,sweet and full of love.Now he__14__ us at the door,waving his tail and is so__15__to see us!He's such a joy and you can see the __16__ in his big brown eyes.We named him Fritz which means 'Peaceful Ruler' in German,very__17__for this sweet little guy.

These are wonderful animals that needed a loving home and I'm so happy I've been able to __18__that for them. It's through no fault of their own that they found themselves abandoned and __19__.I am so thankful to the shelter for saving these animals so that people like us can find loving__20__.

语篇解读  本文是记叙文。文章讲述了作者收养流浪狗的故事。

1.A. unlucky       B.convenient

C.uncomfortable D.successful

解析: 阅读下文可知,本文讲的是作者"成功(successful)"收养两只流浪狗的故事。

答案: D

2. A.publish B.make up

C.share D.figure out

解析: 由下句的it will encourage somebody else to realize可知,作者是要与读者"分享(share)"自己的故事。

答案: C

3.A. hospital B.shelter

C.home    D.zoo

解析: 根据下文的German dog in a shelter,German dog from the shelter以及I am so thankful to the shelter for saving these animals可知,作者是在"流浪动物保护中心(shelter)"收养的狗。

答案: B

4.A. found    B.kept

C.sold    D.left

解析: 由上文的adoptions一词以及German dog in a shelter可知,作者和她的丈夫在流浪动物保护中心"发现了(found)"一只德国狗。

答案: A