2019-2020学年外研版高中英语创新学案:必修5 Module 1 高考试卷分块专练
2019-2020学年外研版高中英语创新学案:必修5  Module 1  高考试卷分块专练第1页

必修5 Module 1 高考试卷分块专练




  (2018·郑州市质量检测)Years ago, my wife and I volunteered at a homeless shelter in downtown Los Angeles, the US, preparing meals for thousands of people. I got to talk with one of the guys in line, Albert. He said he liked my socks."Want to see mine?" he asked, lifting his leg. He was barefoot. He said he had been meaning to buy a pair but he hadn't got around to it. I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach.

  The next day, after work, I stopped at Ross and filled up a cart with socks. I stuffed my trunk with them. That next morning, I set my alarm for 5:00 a.m. and drove over to Santa Monica's Palisades Park, which is a common destination for homeless people.

   I took one of the bags from my trunk. It was still dark out. I headed for a group of three men, standing around a tree, probably using it as a windbreaker. Two were asleep under heavy blankets, and the third was digging through his collection. As I walked toward him, he watched me, perhaps questioning my motives. "I thought you guys might need some fresh new socks," I said, handing him a pair. He looked confused at first but took them and said, "Thank you." I gave him two more pairs for his friends.

  I moved on. An hour later, I had given out all the socks. Most people were sleeping, and I felt like Santa. I knew that when they woke up they would find a very meaningful present.

  That was nine years ago. Every week I'll hand out as many socks as I can. If I'm on vacation or on a business trip for more than a week, I will bring a bag of socks with me and hand them out to the homeless on the streets in other states and countries.

   It's extremely satisfying to operate "under the radar" to help make some people's lives a little bit easier. Part of me hopes to see Albert out there one of these days, but even if I don't, I like to think one of the pairs will find him.


  1.What caused the author to hand out socks to the homeless?

  A.Albert's desire to get free socks.

  B.The approach of Christmas Day.

  C.His hard work at a homeless shelter.

  D.The conversation between him and Albert.

解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第一段作者和流浪汉艾伯特的对话可知,作者和艾伯特的谈话激发了作者去买袜子送给无家可归的人。