2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语必修5Unit15学案Learning to Learn
2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语必修5Unit15学案Learning to Learn第1页

Learning to Learn

  Effective study skills and strategies are the basis of effective learning. They give you an opportunity to approach learning tasks systematically and independently. By always using good study habits-learning to work smarter-you will work like and become a successful student.

  Learn To Learn

  Learning is a very personal matter. There isn't one study/learning skill or strategy that works for every person in every situation. Therefore, learning to learn strategies are about learning what you know, learning what you don't know, and learning what to do about it. Your repertoire of study/learning strategies will:

  * enable you to take more responsibility for your own learning

  * allow you to spend your time effectively and stay on task

  * help you select the best approach(s) for each assignment or task

  * provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to begin, follow through, and complete assignments/tasks

  * present you with access to a variety of content and reference materials

  * give you the confidence to know when and who to ask for help

  1. Know Yourself

  Begin by honestly assessing your strengths and weaknesses in basic college skills-reading, writing, listening, and mathematics-and study/work habits such as as organization, time management, concentration, listening, and note taking.

  Next, identify your learning style preferences. Many factors affect learning, but consider whether you learn most effectively by reading, by watching, by listening, or by doing? You must also become familiar with your instructors teaching styles to help you adapt your learning style to the best advantage.

  In addition, consider when (Are you a morning person or a night owl?) and where (Do you concentrate best in a bright room with noise or in a cozy, quiet corner?) you are at your best for learning.

Manage Your Time and Life