2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语必修5Unit15学案Learning to Learn
2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语必修5Unit15学案Learning to Learn第3页

  Probably not. How about when you're reading?

  Probably so. What makes the difference?

  If you are actively involved, physically and mentally, you stay interested and committed. When you become passive, you rapidly lose interest and drift away.

  To learn from study/reading material, you must be an active, thinking participant in the process, not a passive bystander. Always preview the reading and make sure you have a specific purpose for each assignment. Read actively to fulfill your purpose and answer questions about the material. Keep involved by giving yourself frequent tests over what you've read.

  5. Become An Active Writer

  Writing that accurately expresses your ideas demands not only writing skill but focused attention, critical thinking and active involvement. Only if you become actively involved in the writing process will you be able to communicate your ideas clearly.

  Your writing must have:

* a purpose,

* a controlling idea or thesis,

* organized development of your idea with major and minor supporting details, and

* a logical conclusion.

  6. Build Listening & Note taking Skills

  Accurately listening to a lecture and deciding what is important are two skills that must be mastered before you worry about how to write the information in your notes. Again, being an active rather than a passive participant is the key to your success.

  Taking good notes demands that you:

  o prepare for class,

  o become an active listener,

  o distinguish major from minor points,

  o use a note-taking system,

participate in class, and