2018-2019学年北师大版英语高二选修6教案 Unit18Communication Workshop & Culture Corner
2018-2019学年北师大版英语高二选修6教案 Unit18Communication Workshop & Culture Corner第1页

Communication Workshop

Teaching Aim:

1. To practise matching paragraphs with headings.

2. To practice using linking devices

3. To practice using either... or and neither ...nor

4. To write a film review.

5. To plan an "Arts Week" and present it to the class.

Step 1 Lead in

1. Get students to discuss the structure of a film review: what are included in it?

2. Get them to talk about Beauty and the Beast and if possible, play some of the video for them to watch..

Step 2 Presentation

1. Get them to read the film review and then match the topics with paragraphs.

Para 1 A basic information about the film

Para 2 Brief summary of the plot

Para 3 Good and bad points

Para 4 Conclusion and recommendation

2.Linking devices

Get students to go through the linking words in exercise 2 and then encourage them to work individually to complete the gaps.

1) one day 2) which 3) who 4) In the end 5) for example 6) In addition

7) Although 8) however 9) Although 10) All things considered

3. "either...or" and "neither...nor"

1) This film was directed either by Steven Spielberg or by George Lucas.

2) The film is neither romantic nor funny.

3) The film stars either Julia Roberts or Sandra Bullock.

4) The film has neither good special effects nor good music.

Step 3 Summary

Ask students how to write a film interview according to what they have learned.