2019-2020同步外研英语选修六新突破讲义:Module 6 英美文化欣赏 Word版含答案
2019-2020同步外研英语选修六新突破讲义:Module 6 英美文化欣赏 Word版含答案第1页

  【导读】 不要羡慕别人的成就,别人的成就都是通过每一天的努力取得的,想要自己成功就得付出辛劳。失败了,不要抱怨,事情终会有好转,我们不可能永远微笑,因为我们会经历磨难,但是挺过去,便守得云开见月明。


  By Longfellow

  The heights by great men reached and kept,

  Were not attained by sudden flight;

  But they,while their companions slept,

  Were toiling upward in the night.

  Things work out

  Because it rains when we wish it wouldn't,

  Because men do what they often shouldn't,

  Because crops fail,and plans go wrong-

  Some of us grumble all day long.

  But sometimes,in spite of the care and doubt,

  It seems at last that things work out.

  Because we lose where we hoped to gain,

  Because we suffer a little pain,

  Because we must work when we'd like to play-

  Some of us whimper along life's way.

  But somehow,as the day always follow the night,

  Most of our troubles work out all right.

  Because we cannot forever smile,

  Because we must trudge in the dust awhile,

  Some of us whimper that life's all wrong.

  But somehow,we live and our sky grows bright,

And everything seems to work out all right.