
C.people don't need to be polite to their close friends

D.Japanese people are very friendly to each other

35.What does the underlined word"invariably"in the third paragraph mean?

A.Probably.   B.Always.

C.Sometimes. D.Likely.

36.We can learn from the passage that the writer________.

A.is from Britain

B.lived in Japan for some time

C.is working in a radio station now

D.knows both Japanese and Chinese


Sometimes a mother's greatest gift is the smallest detail of her child's life, freely shared.

When I was busy with my housework in the __1__, I was surprised to find the front door was __2__ suddenly. Julie, our oldest child, came in. She'd been married for three months. I was still trying to get used to her __3__ elsewhere. Sometimes I even set her place at the table without __4__. Julie handed me a small group of daffodils (水仙花) and said, "Guess what!" __5__ she opened the box on the table and bent to see what was inside. As I put the flowers in __6__, I answered happily, "What?"

She began telling me some small __7__ of her new life as she made herself a sandwich. She'd learned to make cake by herself, and her boss was __8__ of her because of her hard work. We sat at the kitchen table, and I __9__ her eat, listening to her every word __10__. It was a __11__ visit. Julie had to go to work. I thanked her for the flowers and for her visit; then I walked to the door with her and __12__ as she drove out of the yard.

__13__ in the kitchen I sat and looked at the flowers. My daughter's __14__ was as bright and dear as the __15__ spring daffodils. Suddenly, I __16__ the phone and dialed (拨) my own mother's number. She lived a hundred miles away. When she __17__, I said, "Guess what!"

"What?" she answered hopefully. Like Julie I didn't have any __18__ news, just little details of the day and the children. __19__ I'd come to understand in the last hour how valuable small talk can be. Just before I hung __20__, my mother said, "You made my day."

1. A.kitchen      B.bedroom

C.book room D.sitting room

2.A. closed B.opened

C.raised D.dropped

3.A. studying B.playing

C.living D.appearing

4.A. feeling B.seeing

C.listening D.thinking

5.A. though B.once