英语:2010一轮复习教学案 units3-4(新人教版选修6)
英语:2010一轮复习教学案 units3-4(新人教版选修6)第4页

addict to, on the whole, result in, get into, put up with, as long as,

come about, make a difference, due to, accustom to  1. Does it __________ to you if you are not invited to attend Jim's birthday party?

 2. You had made some mistakes, but _________ you have done well.

 3. Sometimes it is hard to tell how a quarrel ________.

 4. "To be frank, I can hardly ________ the noise you make" shouted Tom.

 5. _________ you continue working in this way, you will catch up with the others soon.

 6. The fierce quarrel ____ both sides' breaking up from each other.

 7. The little boy ________ computer games, and his mother is very angry with him.

 8. The company's problems are __________ a mixture of bad luck and poor management.

 9. You should ________ the routine of saving the document you are working on every 5 minutes.

 10. He is person ___________ sleeping very late every night.


 1. Of course, he ____________ associating with society people like you. (not accustom)

 2. A power failure, __________ a break in cable, brought the whole factory to a standstill. (due)

 3. All the scientist's comments __________ large quantities of materials. (base)

 4. __________ his surprised look, he couldn't know about the news in advance. (judge)

 5. The story you have just told __________ me _______ an experience I once had. ( remind)

 6. The government _________ measures to improve the environment so far. (measure)

 7. Few writers can _________ Scott as creators of romance. (compare)

 8. These youth are _________ better educated than those already in the marketplace. (average)

 9. Reactions to the new __________ bitterness and hostility _________ cautious optimism. (range)

 10. ___________, I am quite satisfied with the experiment. (whole)


 1. 圣诞节在中国人中大受欢迎这事缘于改革开放的政策。(due to)

 2. 吸烟的人在生理和心理上都对香烟有瘾。(addict)

 3. 这些旧照片使我想起了和你们一起度过的快乐童年。(remind)

 4. 他对营救工作起了很大作用。(make a difference)

 5. 不要在考试中冒险作弊。(risk)

 6. 喝酒常引起交通事故。(result in)

 7. 暴风雨对该城市造成的影响在继续增强。(build up)

 8. 我决定离开因为我再也受不了你的坏脾气了。(put up with)

 9. 人类能说这么多不同的语言是怎么形成的?(come about)

 10. 尽管有些缺点,他总体上仍然是一位合格的研究者。(on the whole)