2018-2019学年北师大版英语高二选修6 Unit 16Lesson 1
2018-2019学年北师大版英语高二选修6 Unit 16Lesson 1第2页

Task1: Imagine

Listen to the sound, use your imagination and guess what is happening.

Volcanic eruption Pompeii

Task2: Have you heard about Pompeii? What do you know about it?

Use the following words to make a guess about Pompeii:

volcanic eruption, buried, event,

disappear, disaster, preserved,

destroy, discover, scientist

Ⅲ. Reading

Task1: Listen and read to get the main idea of the passage:

It is about a city named Pompeii , which was buried by a volcanic eruption and discovered again by some scientists 1,600 years later.

Task2: Second reading:

Write down the things in connection with the following people and time expressions:

People/time Event Pliny Scientists People in Pompeii August, 24th, 79 AD: More than 1,600 years later: 1748: Today:

Task 3: Sum up: fill in the blanks

Pliny was a Roman writer who had _________ and wrote about a _________ eruption which ________ on August 24th, 79AD and it was of Mt. Vesuvius. The