2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修3教案: Unit 1 Festivals around the World Period 2 教学设计(2)
2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修3教案:  Unit 1 Festivals around the World Period 2 教学设计(2)第2页

又如:experiments of this kind = this kind of experiments

-You said he was old. 你说他老了。

-I never said anything of the kind.(=I said nothing at all like that.)我从来没有说过那种话!

注意of a kind的含义:

1) of the same kind:Father and son are two of a kind. They're both generous.

2) of a not very good kind:It's advice of a kind,but it wasn't very helpful.

3. satisfy (vt.) 满足, 使满意(不用于进行时态)

satisfaction (n.) 满意 (to one's satisfaction)

satisfied (a.) 满意的 satisfactory (a.) (=satisfying) 令人满意的

*satisfy sb/sth 使......满意(满足)

be satisfied with sb/sth 对......感到满意

be satisfied to do sth 对做......感到满意

eg. The girl satisfied her mother by cleaning up the kitchen. 女孩清洗厨房使得母亲很满意.

My English teacher was satisfied with my English study.

辨析: satisfactory, satisfied, satisfying

satisfactory, 指客观的事物或主观的表现达到要求而令人满意, 主语一般用事物。

satisfied指主体对事物或表现感到满意, 主语是人。

Eg: She is satisfied with the service. 她对该项服务感到满意。

satisfying: giving pleasure令人愉快, 主语是不定式, 常用于句型:

It's satisfying to do sth. 做......使人满意

4. do harm 损害,危害, 伤害(harm在此是n.)

do more harm than good. 弊大于利 do good (to) 做好事,有好处

do harm to sb (idom )=harm sb

Come to harm :be injured physically, mentally ormorally 身体上,精神上或道义受到损害.常用于否定式.

Eg. Any kind of pollution will do you harm. 任何污染都会给你带来危害.

Smoking does great harm to one's health. 吸烟对健康危害极大.

5. in memory of / to the memory of sb: serving to remind people of sb/ to the memory of sb, esp. as a tribute作为对某人的纪念;纪念某人:

eg. He wrote a long moving poem in memory of his good friend.为纪念他挚友,他写下了一首感人的长诗。

类似的词组有: in honour of .... in danger of ... in favour of .... in charge of ....