2019-2020学年译林版高中英语必修3优化教案:Unit 1 Section Ⅰ Welcome to the unit & Reading — Pre-reading
2019-2020学年译林版高中英语必修3优化教案:Unit  1  Section Ⅰ Welcome to the unit & Reading — Pre-reading第3页


  by Bill Lowe

  Fog warning

  When Polly left home that morning②, the city was already covered in a grey mist③.At lunch, the radio forecast④ that the mist would become a thick fog in the afternoon⑤.At four o'clock, Polly left work and stepped⑥ out into the fog.She wondered⑦ if the buses would still be running⑧.

  No buses to King Street

  Once out in the street⑨, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop.

  'How far are you going?' the bus conductor⑩ asked her ⑪before he took her fare⑫.

  'King Street,' said Polly.

  'Sorry, Miss,' replied the man, 'the truth is that it is too foggy⑬ for the bus to⑭ run that⑮ far⑯.Take the Underground to Green Park.The weather might be better there and you might be able to get a taxi.'

  A tall man

  As Polly observed⑰ the passengers on the train, she had a feeling that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark overcoat⑱.At last the train arrived at Green Park station. While the rest of the passengers were getting out⑲, she glanced⑳ at the faces around her.The tall man was nowhere\s\up1(21(21) to be seen.   ①fog/fɒɡ/n.雾



  ④forecast/'fɔːkɑːst/(forecast, forecast)vt.& n.预测,预报


  ⑥step v.跨步,迈步n.脚步,步骤 step out走出去

  ⑦wonder v.想知道,对......感到疑惑n.惊奇,奇迹,奇观


  ⑨省略结构作状语,补充完整为Once she was out in the street。once意为"一......就......"。





  ⑭too ...to ...太......而不能......

  ⑮that adv.那么,相当于so。



  observe sb.do/doing/done注意到某人做/正在做/做了......



  ⑳glance/ɡlɑːns/vi.& n.瞥一眼,匆匆看

  glance at瞥见,浏览,迅速地看














  When Polly got to the station entrance\s\up1(23(23), it was empty.Outside, wherever she looked\s\up1(24(24) the fog lay\s\up1(25(25) like a thick, grey cloud.There was no one in sight\s\up1(26(26).Polly set off\s\up1(27(27) towards Park Street.As she walked along the narrow\s\up1(28(28) street\s\up1(29(29), she heard the sound of footsteps approaching\s\up1(30(30), but by the time she reached the corner of the street, the footsteps were gone.Suddenly Polly felt a rough\s\up1(31(31) hand brush\s\up1(32(32) her cheek, and she heard a man's voice in her ear saying 'Sorry.' The man moved away.She could feel her heart beating\s\up1(33(33) with fear\s\up1(34(34).

  The helpful stranger

  Then she heard the sound again - soft footsteps behind her.A minute before, she had wished for\s\up1(35(35) someone to come along\s\up1(36(36).Now she wanted to run, but fear held\s\up1(37(37) her still\s\up1(38(38).The footsteps seemed close now.Then a man's voice came out of the darkness\s\up1(39(39).'Is anybody there?'

  Polly hesitated\s\up1(40(40).At last she answered, ' Hello, I think I'm lost.'

  A few seconds\s\up1(41(41) later, a hand reached out\s\up1(42(42) and grasped\s\up1(43(43) her arm.Polly found herself staring\s\up1(44(44) up at the face of an old man with a beard\s\up1(45(45).

  'Maybe I can help you.Which road do you want?'he asked.

  'I live at 86 King Street,' Polly replied.

  'Just take my hand,' said the man.'Come with me.You'll be all right.' He took Polly's hand.'Watch out for\s\up1(46(46) the step here.'

  In his other hand the man carried a stick.Polly heard it hit the step.'I can remember some terrible fogs, but maybe that was before your time.I can't see your face, but you sound young.How old are you?'

  'Just twenty,' answered Polly.

  'Ah, twenty! A nice age to be\s\up1(47(47). I was young once.Now we're at the crossroads\s\up1(48(48).Turn left here.'

  'I'm quite lost now.Are you sure you know the way?'Polly was beginning to feel frightened again.

  'Of course.You really shouldn't feel anxious\s\up1(49(49).'He held her hand more firmly\s\up1(50(50).


  When Polly got ...是when引导的时间状语从句。

  \s\up1(24(24)wherever/weər'evə(r)/adv.& conj.无论哪里

  she looked是wherever引导的让步状语从句。

  \s\up1(25(25)lie vi.(平)躺,存在于,位于。过去式为lay,过去分词为lain,现在分词为lying。

  \s\up1(26(26)in sight看得到的,在视力范围之内的

  out of sight看不见的,在视力范围之外的

  \s\up1(27(27)set off出发,起程


  \s\up1(29(29)As she walked along ...是as引导的时间状语从句。

  \s\up1(30(30)approach/ə'prəʊtʃ/vi.& vt.靠近;着手处理n.靠近;方法;路径;approach用作名词时,后多接介词to。

  \s\up1(31(31)rough adj.粗糙的,粗略的,狂暴的

  \s\up1(32(32)brush vt.轻擦,轻拂,刷,掠过n.刷子,毛刷,画笔

  \s\up1(33(33)此处是feel sth.doing结构,beating作宾语补足语。

  \s\up1(34(34)with fear害怕地,with表示原因。

  \s\up1(35(35)wish for盼望,企盼(=long for)

  \s\up1(36(36)come along出现,到达

  \s\up1(37(37)hold vt.(使某人)保持某种姿势 hold→held→held

  \s\up1(38(38)still adj.静止的,不动的


  \s\up1(40(40)hesitate/'hezIteIt/ vi.犹豫,迟疑不决

  don't hesitate to do sth.不要犹豫做某事,尽管做某事

  \s\up1(41(41)second n.秒,片刻

  \s\up1(42(42)reach out伸出(手)


  \s\up1(44(44)stare/steə(r)/vi.凝视,盯着看 stare up at 抬头凝视

  found herself staring ...是"find+宾语+宾语补足语"结构。


  \s\up1(46(46)watch out for 留心,密切注意

  \s\up1(47(47)A nice age to be.补充完整应为:It is a nice age to be twenty.


  at the crossroads 在十字路口


  be anxious to do sth.急于做某事

