2018-2019学年外研版高中英语选修七教案::Module 1《Baskateball》教案-Introduction(1)
2018-2019学年外研版高中英语选修七教案::Module 1《Baskateball》教案-Introduction(1)第2页

3 referees . referee--- the person who controls the game

After these steps, the students may have a clear understanding of the basketball match.

Step 2 At first, the teacher may show some information about the organizations of basketball match. And then the teacher present the topic to the students. The teacher may ask some students who has known about NBA. And then let them to introduce NBA.

And then ask the students to read the passage silently and answer the questions. Give them several minutes to discuss them with their partner.

1. Are the NBA and BAA the same organization?

   Yes, they are now.

2. Are all the NBA teams in the same country?

  No, they aren't (USA and Canada).

3. What is the difference between an amateur team and a professional team?

  The players in a professional team get paid. It is their job to play basketball.

  professional adj.


  A lawyer is a professional man.



  professional standards 专业标准


  a professional painter



  professional tennis


  "For professional footballers, injuries are an occupational hazard."



