【创新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修7教案: Unit3《The World online》Word power
【创新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修7教案: Unit3《The World online》Word power第2页

 Allow students three or four minutes to deal with Part C on Page 39 to consolidate the use of the vocabulary learnt in Parts A and B. As there are some new words in the letter, encourage students to guess the meanings from the context. Then check the answers as a class. (PPT13-14)

Step 4 Vocabulary extension

1. Ask students whether they have ever used some abbreviations that people often use in Internet chat room. Get students to guess the meaning of some abbreviations. (PPT 15-16)

B4: __________________

OIC: _________________

CUL8R: _______________

BFN: __________________

before; Oh, I see; See you later; by the way; bye for now.

2. Allow students three minutes to complete Part D on Page 39. Get them to write the correct abbreviation in the blanks. Then check the answers together. (PPT17-19)

Step 5 Homework

2. Surf the Internet and find more words related to the Internet.