2019-2020学年人教版高一英语必修1教案:Unit3 Travel journal-grammar教案
2019-2020学年人教版高一英语必修1教案:Unit3 Travel journal-grammar教案第2页

A: Are you working this evening?

B: No. We're having an English party, don't you know?

A: Yes, I do. And we're giving some performance at the party. What are you going to do?

B: I'm singing song with my classmates.(3minutes)


  In the following dialogue, a newspaper reporter is interviewing Wang Wei about her plans for the trip along the Mekong River. However, they are not sure about some of the verb tenses. Please help them complete their conversation.

R: Miss Wang. I hear that you _____________ along the Mekong

River. That's really exciting. Have you got everything ready?

W: Almost.

R:When are you _________ ?

W:Next Monday.

R: How far are you _______ each day?

W:It's hard to say. If the weather is fine, I think we'll be able to ride 75km a day.

R:Where are __________ at night?

W: Usually in our tent, but sometimes in a small hotel in town.

R: Do you think you are ______ back here soon?

W:Oh, we __________ back to this place.

We __________ home. That'll be a month later.

R:Thank you for your time, Miss Wang. Good luck on your journey!

W:Thank you!

Answer: are going to cycle ; leaving; cycling; you staying; coming; aren't coming; are returning


----where are you going?

-----We are going.....

-----when are you leaving?

------We are leaving......