【步步为营】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修8教案:Unit1 Welcome to the unit
【步步为营】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修8教案:Unit1 Welcome to the unit第2页

 Step 1 Lead in

Which classic works is your favorite?

1)Gone with the Wind. It was written by Margaret Mitchell in 1936 and set a sales record when 50,000 copies were sold in one day. By 1965, it had sold more than 10,000,000 copies and had been translated into 25 languages in 29 countries.

Nowadays, besides the traditional books, that is, books in print, do we have any other kinds of book?

2)E-books take up less space so you can store hundreds and thousands of e-books in your computer.

3) E-books are portable and so you can carry it without worrying about their weight.

4)E-books can be printable, if you wish to read an e-book in the traditional way.

5)E-books are very simple and easy to purchase and download.

6) You can make a good library of all kinds of digital books that you need.

7) All lovers of e-books can enjoy it anywhere at anytime by using today's technology. They can save their time and money by internet.

8)They might want to join a book club because it provides a place for people with similar interest to find friends easily and share information about their favorite books and authors. In a reading club, people can always learn more.

9)E-books have a lot of advantages. They save a lot of space. A CD can store many books and it weighs just a few grams so that it is much easier to carry some CDs than to carry a heavy suitcase full of books in print when travelling or moving house.

Step 2 Discussion

1)Have you tried reading an e-book? What was it like?

2)Are e-books popular? If not, do you think it will become popular?

3)Do you prefer reading books in print or e-books? Why?

French writer Jules Verne is regarded as the father of science fiction. He wrote many famous science fiction stories which are still popular now, such as Journey to the Centre of the Earth,

Poetry is a popular art form, which emphasizes rhythm, sound and imagery. Poems usually use language set up in lines, with a regular rhythm and often a definite rhyme scheme. Poets usually express their strong feelings through this art form.