2019-2020学年北师大版高中英语必修4练习学案:Unit 12课时跟踪练(四) Lesson 2 & Lesson 3 — Language Points
2019-2020学年北师大版高中英语必修4练习学案:Unit 12课时跟踪练(四) Lesson 2 & Lesson 3 — Language Points第2页

  had_left (leave) his wallet at home.

  10.I was walking along the street this morning when a strange man stopped me.


  drop out of, be familiar with, with caution, in a whisper, give sb. a lift, compared with/to, break into, at the request of

  1.It's very kind that you gave_me_a_lift on my way home yesterday.

  2.Some medical experts will study the case at_the_request_of the hospital.

  3.It was a time when I had no interest in study and wanted to drop_out_of school.

  4.The party ended up with a song that everyone is_familiar_with.

  5.My father is a cautious man and he always drives his car with_caution.

  6.Last night two thieves broke_into the bank and stole the safe.

  7.They are talking in_a_whisper in order not to wake up the sleeping baby.

  8.Compared_with/to the sun, the moon is only a tiny ball.


  When I first arrived in San Francisco, I had a difficult time 1.understanding (understand) certain aspects of the American way of doing things. Since an 2.embarrassing (embarrass) experience in a New York restaurant I've been much more cautious. When I noticed people 3.staring (stare) at us , I asked Janice what was wrong and she told me that I was talking too loudly.

  What I learned about Chinese customs is that the Chinese are 4.extremely (extreme) welcoming . One evening, I 5.was_invited (invite) to a Chinese family dinner. The host kept on putting more food in my rice bowl. In my culture, you don't get more food 6.if you don't ask for more. I had a similar experience the last time I visited China. After my visit to a Chinese family, my friend's grandfather insisted 7.on walking me to the station to see me off.

  Chinese people are very modest too. Last time,when I saw the tour guide 8.wearing (wear) a very pretty fur coat, I told her the coat suited her, but she looked very embarrassed ,9.saying (say) that it was a cheap one . In my culture, 10.when people say nice things about us, we feel very happy and say thanks.


我侄女非常喜欢吃冰淇淋,但她妈妈要求(request)她不要吃因为她的胃很虚弱。然而,我发现她很难(have difficulty in doing)控制住自己。每次(every time)看到冰淇淋,她都会盯着看(stare at)并拒绝离开。上周日,我们去火车站送(see ...off)她叔叔。那天,天气很热,她低声(whisper to ...)对我说她想吃冰淇淋。我正要给她买时(be about to ... when)她妈妈打来了电话。听到妈妈的声音,她突然意识到了自己的错误并决定买瓶水而不买冰淇淋。