2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语必修2Unit4Lesson 4
2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语必修2Unit4Lesson 4第2页

Famous sights *Mt Eden; * Parnell village;

* Auckland Harbour Bridge;

* Sky Tower; *Auckland museum; Climate Warm, plenty of sunshine 3. Match the topics a-f with the five paragraphs in the text. There is one extra topic.

a) the history of the city

b) travel links

c) things to see in Auckland

d) night-life in Auckland

e) for water lovers

f) New Zealand's largest city

Answers: 25341


Match this information with the words in blue in the text. These are called "hot words". On a real internet page you can "click" on these words to get more information.

1 New Zealand produces iron and steel, machines and cars.

2 The first people of New Zealand came from other Pacific islands.

3 The capital of New Zealand is the world's most southern capital. .

4 This bridge is one of the city's most famous sights. It was built in 1959.

5 New Zealand does not allow nuclear materials anywhere in the country.

1 business and industry

2 Maori

3 Wellington

4 Auckland Harbour Bridge

5 nuclear-free zone


1. population n.


What is the population of this city?

