外研版五年级上M6U1You can play football well.
外研版五年级上M6U1You can play football well.第2页

  T:Can you play football well?

  S;Yes,I can .

  T:Fantastic ,you can play football well ,but I can't play football.i play football badly.

  学习well、badly,并练习短语sing/dance/play football well/badly.


  2、展示足球队的图片,学习football team。组建一支足球队,足球队员需要run fast and jump high.

  T:Can you run fast?

  S1:Yes,I can.

  T:Can you run fast ?

  S2: Yes,I can.

  T:Really? Let us have a match.


  T:Fantastic ,(says to the winner) you can jump really high .

  教授really ,fantastic

  (运用游戏活动复习已学过的词组run fast 和jump high,通过这一游戏活动教给学生really的正确的读音及使用方法,再次用到了单词fantasitc,为接下来的教学做了一个铺垫。)


  4、通过传球,学习词组catch the ball 和 control the ball,并通过图片练习catch the ball well/badly ,control the ball well/badly.


  (三) New text learning

1、T:Now we have got a football team,Lingling wants to play football.Is she a fantastic goalkeeper?Listen the tape and answer the questions.