2018--2019学年人教版必修一Unit 2 English around the world Reading教案
2018--2019学年人教版必修一Unit 2 English around the world Reading教案第3页

  In the 18th century

     Some British people were taken to _________.   By the 19th century

     Samuel Johnson wrote his __________.

  Noah Webster wrote The American Dictionary of English Language and gave a separate ___________to American English spelling   1765-1947

     English was spoken in ______ as well as in Africa and Asia. It became the language for _______________ and education in India.   now   English is also spoken in ______________, ____________, ________________, ________and so on.   Ask the ss to finish this timeline in group and then ask several groups to voice their answers according a world map and timeline.( 仔细阅读是快速阅读的延伸,根据阅读内容填空是锻炼学生阅读记录信息,查找用用信息的技巧。有目的性阅读是阅读训练一种技巧,并且提醒学生不用太多花大多注意力在地名和新单词上面,集中精力探究文章内容。阅读后学生给出答案 (教师不要袖手旁观,可以给学生必要的引导和帮助,发展学生的自主学习能力,真正的成为学习的主体。)


  Step 4 post reading True or False

   1.Most English speakers in the 16th century lived in England.( )

  2. More and more people use English as their first or 2nd language.( )

  3. Native English speakers can' t understand each other because they don't speak the same kind of English.( )

   4. As English is widely used, it will be more and more important to have a good knowledge of English.( )

  5. Noah Webster wrote The American Dictionary of the English Language.( )

6. From 1765 to 1947 English became the language for government and education in India. ( )