七上英语《Unit4 Where's my schoolbag》教学设计教案免费下载30
七上英语《Unit4 Where's my schoolbag》教学设计教案免费下载30第3页

Step 5: Presentation and practice of the structure "Where're sth. They're in/on/under..."

1) Show a picture of some keys that are on the table.

T:Where're the keys?

S:...(Help students to answer "they're on the desk.)

(Show another picture of some keys that are under the table.)

T: Where're the keys?

S: They're under the desk

(Show the third picture of some keys that are in the desk)

T: Where're the keys?

S: They're in the desk.

2) Students work in pairs and practice the structure, then show their dialogues. (With the help of teacher's pictures)

Step 6: Read the dialogue in Section A, 1a, and role play.

1) Students read after the tape.

2) Read the dialogue in 1a together.

3) The whole class is divided into two groups, and then role play the dialogue.

Step 7: Listening. Do section A, 1b.

1) Students listen to the tape for the first time.

2) Check answers.

3) Students listen to the tape for the second time with the answers and try to repeat.

Step 8: A small quiz


--_______ _____ my books?

--_______ _____ on the sofa.


The pen _____ _____ the table.


Her keys _____ _____ the schoolbag.

4、 Lily的钢笔在盒子里面。

Lily's pen is _____ _____ ________.


--Where _____my ________ ?

--It's _______ the _______.

(Work in groups and get the answers.)

Step 9: homework

1) Make a report: Introduce your room.

Report like this: This is my room. The school bag is...The books are...

2) Copy the news words

Teaching Reflection:

教学反思: 本节课主要围绕物品的摆放展开教学,学习了有关物品和重点学习了三个介词的运用。这堂课设计衔接自然,教学方法多样化;但我忽略了一点,就是本节课物品的词汇量较多,学生在运用时会出现短路现象,需要教师或同学的提醒。所以这节课告诫我在词汇教学方面还有待提高。此外,本节课主要采用