冀教版(三起)六年级上册Lesson 8 Li Ming Meets Jenny’s Class
冀教版(三起)六年级上册Lesson 8  Li Ming Meets Jenny’s Class第2页

 How are you today?

Nice to meet you !

How is the weather?

2.Song: Sing an English song


Step 2 Presentation

A: Hello, Nice to meet you!

B: Nice to Meet you, too.

A: Where are you from?

B: I'm from Canada.

A: What subjects do you have in the school?

B: Chinese, math, English , science, art....

A: How many classes do you have each days?

B: four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon.


Step 3. Text Learning

  1. listen and answer questions

  T: In this lesson, LiMing wants to go to school in Canada. He wants to learn English .Now Li Ming meets Jenny's class .Can you guess what do they talk about?(practice the questions again .)
