《Unit2 She didn't have a television》教学设计教案
《Unit2 She didn't have a television》教学设计教案第2页








Step1:Warm-up热身复习(1):greetings (2)Let's chant . (3) Revise Unit one .

Step2:Presentation课文导入 热身活动以后,教师告诉学生:lingling watched a programme about China in England yesterday.She missesd her grandmother very much. So she wrote to Daming. Now let's listen to the letter, what did she write in it?

Step3:listen and learn课文教学 (1)播放课文录音,请学生带着以下问题认真听录音并找出答案: -What programme did Lingling watch last night? -Who did Lingling miss?(2)Listen and underline the new words and new sentences . (3)。充分利用多媒体创设直观情境,抓住关键词语,练习重点句型,巧妙突破难点or的用法。(4)Listen and repeat .(5) Listen and answer (听课文,然后抢答竞赛。根据课文内容,提出问题让学生进行抢答比赛,看对课文的掌握的情况,以小贴画作为奖励。) : a.Who talked about her life ? b. Did she have a TV or a radio ? c. Did she have a telephone ? d. Where did she cook ? e. Where did she work ?

Step 4: Production: Talk about your grandparents . (先再组内谈论自己祖父母过去的生活,然后每组选派一个代表向全班介绍。)

Step 5 音标教学:老师把音标板书出来,并且教读,如果时间充足,可以拓展一些单词练习,如果时间不足,练习就放在下节课的复习课上进行。

Step 6 :课后小结。

Step 7:Homework : (1) Listen and read the text . (2) Copy and recite the new words . (3) write a letter to me . Tell me something about your grandparents many years ago . ( 选做)