原创《Module10 Unit2 Point to her nose》教学设计教案
原创《Module10 Unit2 Point to her nose》教学设计教案第2页


一、Warm---up and lead--in:

1、Greetings:师生问好 2、let's sing a song 出示课件:师生齐唱歌曲 3、Point and say :(复习身体部位单词,练习 point to......) Teacher say and ss point.(全体学生做) Ask a boy to the front, teacher points, then let the other students say ( point to his head,...) Ask two ss to the front, a student say, the other student point. (此环节中 sing 有助于营造宽松、愉悦的语言学习氛围,利于学生积极情感态 度的形成。既可激发学生的学习兴趣,有效地复习旧知,同时也为新知的进一步 学习起到了铺垫的作用。 ) 4、找两名学生(男女各一名)上台,教师指着学生分别用 This is his.....和 This is her....句型介绍,让学生体会 his 和 her 的用法 。引出新词 her 并教授。 (出示课 件显示句型) 5、出示课件(机器人):练习句型 This is his....和 This is her...(学生说句子) 二、Presentation: 1. New words(课件展示: )nose T: Point to your nose. (Write 'nose' on the blackboard.) one by one ,group by group.) T: (Point to my nose.) T: I can smell with my nose. I can see with my ... Ss: Eyes. T: (Write 'eye' on the blackboard.) Ss: (Read after the teacher, practice one by one, group by group.) T: How many eyes have you got? Ss: Two eyes. T: Close your eyes. Open your eyes. Ss: (Listen and do.) Use the same way to learn the following words: mouth (eat) ear (hear) (多种感官参与学习活动的设计符合低年级儿童的生理及心理特点, 学习效果好。 变换不一的操练形式,避免了学习语言时的枯燥、乏味感。) 2. New pattern drills T: (Show a doll.) Look! What's this? Ss: It's a doll. T: This is my doll. It's got two big eyes, a small nose, a red mouth and two small ears. It's very beautiful. I like her very much. Do you like her? Ss: Yes! T: Now, listen and point, please. Point to her nose/ eyes/ mouth/ears/ head/ arms/legs/hands/feet.