Unit8 Is there a post office near here教学设计教案免费下载15
Unit8 Is there a post office near here教学设计教案免费下载15第2页

教学策略 Task-based Language Teaching, Visual teaching method, situational teaching method 教 学 活 动 Step 1 Lead-in

2a(Section B),check the places near your home and tell your partner where they are.

Suppose you have to use public transport to get to the destinations listed in the textbook, make up a conversation.

Step 2.Reading

1. Fast Reading:

Read the passages and match each passage with a map.

Ss read and match. Then check the answers.

2. Read the passages again and answer the questions in 2c .

3. Careful Reading


2)Read the passages again and ask questions about the three passages in groups of three ,try to answer the questions.(让学生根据所读篇章自主设计问题,激发学习热情,锻炼逆向思维,促使学生关注篇章细节信息,深入理解篇章内容)


Find out difficulties.

a). in my neighborhood 在我家附近 

b). I like to spend time there on weekends. 我喜欢周末在那里度过时光。(提示:spend 后跟动词的ing形式)

c) I love to watch the monkeys climbing around. 我喜欢观看猴子们在周围爬树。

观看某人正在做某事 watch somebody doing

d) To get there, I usually walk out and turn right on Bridge Road. 为了到达那里,我通常走出去在Bridge Road向右拐。

To get there 在本句中为目的状语。

f) You can get to the library easily. 你可以容易地到达图书馆。

Easily 是副词,在这里修饰动词get.

Step 3 Reading

Ask the Ss to read aloud the passage, and learn the important sentences by heart.


Step 4 Homework
