优质课《Module2 Unit1 When are we going to eat》教学设计
优质课《Module2 Unit1 When are we going to eat》教学设计第2页

  2.T: What do you like doing in your spare time?

  S: I like playing football/reading books/flying kites...

  T: What are you going to do this Sunday?

  S: I am going to...

  T: When are you going to ...?

  S: I am going to ...at eight /in the morning.   1.出示Activity1的图片及内容。学生听、说。   1. 利用课件出示单词later, duck, cloud, dry ,like ,stay让孩子们在小组内自拼。班级内校正读音。




     3.(1)课件出示Daming, Simon and Simon's mother 的图片。Let the children to look at the picture carefully. Then ask:

  Who are they?

  Where are they?

  (2) Listen to the text and circle the new words.

  (3) Listen again, then answer questions:

When are they going to eat? What time is it?

  Who are eating the picnic?

  Then check the answers.

  (4)Play the cassette again and pause after each sentence for the children to repeat.