2019-2020同步北师大英语选修六新突破讲义:Unit 16 Section Ⅱ Language Points ( Ⅰ ) (Warm-up & Lesson 1) Word版含答案
2019-2020同步北师大英语选修六新突破讲义:Unit 16 Section Ⅱ Language Points ( Ⅰ ) (Warm-up & Lesson 1) Word版含答案第3页

1.Around the end of the first century AD, a Roman writer called Pliny wrote about a terrible volcanic eruption that he had witnessed as a young man.

大约公元一世纪末,一位名叫普利尼的罗马作家描述了他年轻时目睹的一次可怕的火山爆发的情景。 过去分词作定语 他们朋友举行的音乐会大为成功。

The concert given by their friends was a success. 2.Pliny described a cloud coming down the mountain, blocking out the sun and burying everything in its path, including whole villages and towns.

普利尼描述道,一团云自山巅而降,遮天蔽日,将所经之处的一切,包括一座座村庄和城镇统统吞没。 现在分词作伴随状语 一个探寻小队进入山洞里,希望可以找到埋藏的宝藏。

A search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure. 3.In a way, Pompeii is like a "time capsule" preserving a frozen moment in history.

从某种程度上说,庞培古城如同一个"时间舱",保存了历史上一段被封存了的瞬间。 现在分词作定语 你认识和你哥哥跳舞的那个女孩子吗?

Did you know the girl dancing with your brother? 4.However, much more than buildings and objects, it is the forms of the people who were caught in the disaster that have made the city a monument to human history.

但是,与城里的建筑及物品相比,那些在那场灾难中遇难的人的轮廓形象则更能使这个城市成为人类历史上的一座纪念碑。 强调句 在街上你遇见的是你兄弟吗?

Was it your brother that you met in the street? 5.Another man, lying on his side, looks as if he is trying to get up.

躺在他旁边的另一个人看上去好像是在试图站立起来。 as if引导表语从句 我记得整个事情,就好像它是发生在昨天一样。

I remember the whole thing as if/though it happened yesterday.