免费下载原创《Module5 Unit1 Can you run fast》教学设计教案
免费下载原创《Module5 Unit1 Can you run fast》教学设计教案第2页


2、Let's chant.练习朗读下面的短语,一边说一边做动作

Swim ride jump fly 用句子 I can...


T:Who is he?

Ss: He is Liuxiang.

T: What he can do?

Ss: run fast.

T:I can run fast. Can you run fast?


4、同样的方法教授jump high,jump far,ride fast

Look at Activity1's picture.

T:What can the birds do ?

Ss:It can fly.

T: Listen to tape and find the new words. Chant and do the action.


1、 Look at the picture .There are four group. Lingling's group, Amy's group, Sam's group, Daming's group.

2、Look and listen carefully, then answer these questions.Who can run fast?Who can jump high? Who can jump far? Who can ride fast?

3、listen and read after the tape. And paly a role.