【新思维】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语选修六学案(黑龙江专用):Module 1《Small Talk》Vocabulay The Wrong Kind of Small Talk
【新思维】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语选修六学案(黑龙江专用):Module 1《Small Talk》Vocabulay The Wrong Kind of Small Talk第2页

3) be due 预期发生;预计到达

When is the meeting due? The flight from Boston is due at 9:30.

be due to do 预计要做 The meeting isn't due to start until 8 o'clock.

due to ------ because of The company's problems are due to bad luck and poor management

4) be cautious about 对......小心谨慎

I'm always cautious about giving my address to strangers.

5)cheer (sb )up (使)高兴起来;(使)振作起来 ;

I'm taking Henry out to cheer him up. He'll cheer up if you get him a beer.

6) What a coincidence! 太巧了!真是巧合!

by coincidence 巧合 My mother is called Anna, and by a funny coincidence my wife's mother is also called Anna.

7) discourage ... from... (设法)阻止; 打消做......的念头

We ought to be focusing on discouraging kids from smoking.

V 讨论与合作

VI 精心训练: 完成句子

1. 给玛丽打个电话,她需要人安慰。Give Mary a call, she needs _____ _______ .

2. 由于懒惰,结果他考试没及格。

He failed the exam _______ ______ ______ _______ being lazy.

3. 路面结冰,要小心。 _______ _________ , as the road is frozen.

4. 每次我去看他时,他都在忙于学习。

______ _______ I went to see him, he was _______ _______ .

5. 由于不可思议的巧合,我在北京的地铁上遇见了他。

______ ______ _______ _______ , I met with him in the subway in Beijing.

6. 她的父母想劝她打消当歌星的念头。

Her parents tried to __________ her ________ becoming a singer.

7. 比赛因下雨延期。The game was postponed ________ _______ rain.

8. 他预订今晚出发。He _____ _______ ______ ________ this evening.

9. 听到那个消息我感到沮丧。I _______ __________ _______ the news.

10. 我在公共场合说话非常小心。

I am very _________ _____________ _______________ my opinions in public.

VII. 总结,反思,作业:Preview Reading Practice.