2019学年度人教版选修七Unit 4SharingPeriod2 Language points学案设计(7页word版)
2019学年度人教版选修七Unit 4SharingPeriod2 Language points学案设计(7页word版)第3页

  答案: makes some difference to

  5.The delay of the airline________________________(与......有关) the volcanic eruption.

  答案: is relevant to

  6.________________________________(荣幸之至) to have been invited to the party.

  答案: It is a privilege



  My name is Katie Mackenbrock,and I am from Chicago,Illinois.I am 18 and a freshman at the University of Arizona.I chose to attend a school so far from home because my dad went here when he was my age,and my older sister is currently a senior here.

  The weather is so different here from that in Chicago.If I were in Chicago right now,I would be freezing.Here in Tucson,the weather is so nice.It is always sunny with blue skies and the scenery is beautiful.From campus,you can look anywhere and see the beautiful mountains in the skyline.

  I live in the only dorm here that has three students in a room.The rooms are a lot bigger than I thought they would be.One of my roommates is from New Jersey and the other one is all the way from South Korea.My roommate from New Jersey and I have become really good friends.Our other roommate is kind of mean to us,so there is always awkward tension in our room,which isn't too fun,but I am always so busy with my study that it doesn't matter too much.

  I am taking 5 classes here-English,Spanish,and three general education classes.The general education classes are the big lecture classes.I am not too fond of them,because I come from a very small high school.For the most part,though,I love my classes.I am a political science major.I want to attend law school after I graduate and eventually work for the CIA.

As much as I miss my parents being this far from home,I love living here.It helps that I get to see my sister almost every day.I couldn't have chosen a better