2019学年度人教版选修八Unit 4Pygmalion Period 3Learing about Language完形学案(5页word版)
2019学年度人教版选修八Unit 4Pygmalion Period 3Learing about Language完形学案(5页word版)第3页


  I can honestly say that taking part in the student exchange program was one of the best experiences of my life. I spent a year 1 at the University of Edinburgh, during which time I not only 2 many lifelong friends but enjoyed an interesting academic program taught by world-class 3 .

The University of Edinburgh is a 4 university. I really enjoyed the courses I 5 there. I was glad to have the opportunity to do things that I would never have had the 6 to do back in New Zealand. I found the courses a bit 7 , but enjoyed the challenge once I got used to the new way of doing things there. All in all, I think it has 8 given me a lot of extra knowledge that I can now 9 my final year of studies in New Zealand.

I 10 a lot before I left home, as I didn't know anyone in Edinburgh. However, taking the option to live in the dormitory made meeting people very 11 . Within just a few hours, I met a lot of other 12 students from all over the world, with whom I still keep in 13 . Meeting these international friends was great 14 we were all so excited to take trips and go 15 . We traveled not only in Edinburgh, but also around the UK. I also had a fantastic group of friends from my course. As 16 of these friends were exchange students, I got to 17 how local people like them live in Edinburgh and experience all the hotspots for eating and partying.

I'm so happy that I was 18 an opportunity to do something so incredible. It has been one of the most challenging but amazing experiences, not only 19 me academically, but also building up my 20 since I can totally organize my own life now.

【语篇概述】作者在英国爱丁堡做了一年的交换生, 从中受益匪浅。

1. A. wandering       B. working

C. studying D. teaching

【解析】选C。背景常识题。文章第一句中作者说明自己做了一年交换生, 自然是在爱丁堡大学学习。

2. A. lost   B. made   C. missed   D. waited

【解析】选B。词语搭配题。文章第一句说明作者在做交换生时的经历是最好的经历之一, 交到了好朋友, make friends交朋友。

3. A. lecturers B. colleagues

C. students D. scientists


4. A. quiet B. great C. common D. new

【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。从后面的"I really enjoyed . . . I was glad. . . "等描述中可知作者对爱丁堡大学的评价是很高的。

5. A. prepared B. quit

C. bought D. took

【解析】选D。词语搭配题。作者在爱丁堡大学做交换生, 应该是上了一些课。take some courses上课。

6. A. chance B. imagination

C. right D. plan
