2019学年度人教版选修七 Unit2 RobotsPeriod2Language points学案设计(5页word版)
2019学年度人教版选修七 Unit2 RobotsPeriod2Language points学案设计(5页word版)第2页

  常见搭配:be alarmed by/ at/over 因为......感到惊恐 例如:

  2. alarm vt. 使警觉,使惊恐,惊动alarm n. 警报;惊恐

    Her high temperature alarmed the doctors.


  sound/ raise the alarm 发警报    a fire alarm 火警

  4. alarming adj. worrying and frightening 使人惊恐的, 令人担忧的

  提示: 及物动词alarm的用法与surprise、frighten等动词用法相同,即:及物动词表示"使......",-ing形式表示"令人......的",过去分词表示"(人)感到......的"。

  三.favour【原句回放】 As a favour Tony promised to help Clair make herself smarter and her home more elegant. (P 11)


  favour n. 恩惠、帮忙、善行、喜爱、支持,注意其美语拼写"favor"。


  do sb. a favour 帮某人一个忙

  in favour of 同意/支持......

   【拓展】favour vt. 喜欢,偏袒,有利于


As he was not allowed to accompany her to the shops ,he wrote out a list of items for her .


  accompany vt. 意为"伴随,陪同;和......一起发生;附带"。常用被动结构。

 Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.

    常见搭配:accompany sb. to... "陪某人去......"


  She cried out "Tony" and then heard him declare that he didn't want to leave her the next day and that he felt more than just the desire to please her. (P11)

  【点拨】declare vt. 意为"表明;声明;宣布;宣告;宣称"。

      常见结构:declare sb./sth. (to be) sth.