四下外研版英语精品《Module3 Unit2》教案教学设计免费下载
四下外研版英语精品《Module3 Unit2》教案教学设计免费下载第4页

ride a bike, go swimming, read a book, watch TV, go to the cinema, go to school, walk in the park, play with a friend, do homework. Then draw the following calendar on the board:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Have the students copy the calendar in their exercise book .They should write activities on the calendar.

Then have the students work in pairs and tell one another what they will do on the seven day of the week.

e.g.S1: On Monday I will watch TV.

Step4 听读课文,回答问题

1.now, we are going to listen to the tape. Please underline the new words.

2.学习单词help homework

3.let's lok at the screen ,please. (twice)What will Shanshan do on Monday? Listen and answer.

4.Listen and repeat.

5.Read the text in pairs.