【互动课堂】2018-2019学年人教版高中英语必修四学案设计:Unit5《Theme parks》Period 5 Language Points in Using Language
【互动课堂】2018-2019学年人教版高中英语必修四学案设计:Unit5《Theme parks》Period 5 Language Points in Using Language第2页

up to date 作 语

out-of-date 作 语

out of date 作 语

It was a modern factory -everything was really up to date.

Your out-of-date methods should be given up at once.

2)come to life 苏醒;变得活跃;恢复生气

(= / );

I love to watch everything come to life in spring.

In a few minutes, Tom suddenly came to life.

The quiet girl has come to life since she worked as a saleswoman.


bring sb./sth. to life使某人/某事苏醒;使生动;使活跃

come to加起来共计;谈到;涉及;突然想到

come up with 提出;想出 come about产生;发生

come across偶然;偶然发现 come to light真相大白

中华资源库 春天来临,万物复苏。

Spring is here and everything .

Flowers can a dull room back .

4.Class or other large groups that let Futuroscope know their plans in advance can get the group admission rate.

Admission (n.) 允许进入;入场费;门票;承认

Admission to Beijing University depends on examination results

Admission to the concert costs 300 dollars.

admit (vt.) (admitted ,admitted)

be admitted to....... 被录取到.......

admit doing sth. 承认做.......

It is generally admitted that ...... 一般认为......

1)Nowadays,more and more students are admitted key universities every year.

2) The boy admitted (偷了邻居家的自行车 ).

Step 3 Testing


1. This room is twice the _____ (long) of the kitchen.

2. There will be rain later in _____ (center) and eastern parts of the country.

3. The country depends on _____ (tour) for much of its income.

4. I play the piano just for my own _____ (amuse).

5.The author is writing a(n) _____ (history) novel about nineteenth-century France.