辽师大版快乐英语(三起)三年级上 Unit 12 How many books
辽师大版快乐英语(三起)三年级上 Unit 12 How many books第3页



StepⅠ Warm-up

1、 Greeting

T:Hello, boys and girls!

Ss:Hello, Miss Ren!

T:Sit down,please!

Ss:Thank you!

2、 Sing the song.

3、 Ask and answer.

T:Look! What's this?

Ss:Birthday cake.

T:How many ccandles?


4、 Show the topic

StepⅡ Review

Count numbers.

StepⅢ Presentation

1、 Show the pictures and guess.

T:What's the number after twelve/thirteen/fourteen?
