《Unit2 How often do you exercise》教学设计教案18
《Unit2 How often do you exercise》教学设计教案18第2页


  T:read books/ do homework/ draw pictures/ watch Tv

  2. Do as I do.(学生跟老师边说边做动作)

  I read books on weekends.

  I watch Tv on weekends.

  I do my homework on weekends.

  Step ⅡRevision and presentation

  1. Show the students pictures about "watch TV、read books、exercise、play computer games 、play basketball、wash clothes、go shopping、go to movies". Ask them to read these phrases.

  2. Ask the students:"What do you usually do on weekends ? " and let the students answer: "I usually ...... on weekends." (write the sentenc on the blackboard at the same time)

  3. "Run train" ask several rows of students to pactice the dialogue using the sentence "What do you usually do on weekends ? " ,"I usually ...... on weekends."(采用幻灯片展示活动短语,学生参照句型造句)

  Step Ⅲ 1a:

  1. Look at the picture. Ask a few students to say what they see in the thought bubbles. Then name each activity. Ask students to repeat each one.

  2. Then ask the students to write the answers on the board in groups.

  3. Check the answers on the board

  4、Finish 1a,fill in the blanks .Then check the answers .

  Step Ⅳ Presentation and drill:

  1.Show the pictures of different activities.

T: "Now let's see my activities on weekends. I always read books at 6:00 in the morning. Then I usually run at 6:30. I often